On the Road to 2017 with Library and Archives Canada - Samuel de Champlain in Huronia – 400th Anniversary


Video Length: 1:31

On-camera starts at 0:11

(Richard Provencher is standing in the Collection Reference Room at 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa)

Richard Provencher: Welcome to this new episode of On the Road to 2017 with Library and Archives Canada.

Richard Provencher: We celebrate in 2015, the 400th anniversary of the presence of Samuel de Champlain in Huronia.

(An illustration of Samuel de Champlain, and Mr. Éric Thierry, Professor of History and Geography at the Lycée Paul Claudel de Laon and President of the Société historique de Haute-Picardie, France, is appearing on a computer screen via Skype, and a New France map made by Champlain, in which he has located the land of the “Hurons”)

Éric Thierry: From July 1615 to June 1616, the Sieur de Champlain explored a part of what we now call Ontario.

(A screen shot of the first page of Champlain’s book “Voyages et descouvertes faites en Nouvelle France, depuis l’année 1615 iufques à la fin de l’année 1618”)

Éric Thierry: We know a lot about Champlain’s journey.

(A close up of Mr. Thierry on a computer screen via Skype)

Éric Thierry: He wrote his observations and impressions of all the land he explored, the villages he visited, and the different Aboriginal nations he met during his expedition.

(An illustration entitled “Defeat of the Iroquois of Lake Champlain”)

Éric Thierry: This voyage was also an opportunity to plan and participate in a campaign against the Iroquois.

(Screen shots Samuel de Champlain’s collection and fonds pages from LAC’s website)

Richard Provencher: Library and Archives Canada is privileged to holds multiple fonds and collections for the benefit of all Canadians about the founder of New France, including documents related to his visit in Huronia.

 (Screen shots of LAC’s website sections entitled “New France – New Horizons” and “Pathfinders and Passageways: The Exploration of Canada”)

Richard Provencher: To learn more, take a look at our Web resources!

(Richard is standing in the Collection Reference Room)

Richard Provencher: See you along the Road to 2017!

(Screen shows the web address and social networking pages of Library and Archives Canada, Facebook, and Twitter)

Richard Provencher: And remember, follow us on Twitter and Facebook to view the video series as soon as we publish them online.

Social media addresses: Facebook, Twitter

Audio ends at 1:29

Library and Archives Canada corporate identifier

Government of Canada corporate identifier

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