Canadian Dairy Commission
Symbol of the Government of Canada


The CDC achieves its mandate through a wide range of activities. It operates in close co-operation with provincial authorities  and various industry stakeholders by providing ongoing support through its chairmanship of and work for the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee (CMSMC). As a national Facilitator and chief administrator, the Canadian Dairy Commission undertakes a number of activities and administers the following programs.

Special Milk Class Permit Program

Under this program, milk components are made available by provincial boards for use in the manufacturing of dairy products and products containing dairy ingredients according to product end use at prices which allow processors, exporters and further processors to remain competitive on domestic and international markets. The volume of dairy components accessed under the Special Milk Class Permit Program is managed through permits issued by the CDC, which administrates the program on behalf of the dairy industry. A formula, developed in consultation with industry and approved by the CMSMC, establishes the various Special Milk Class price levels.

Guide and forms

Dairy Innovation Program

The Canadian Dairy Commission created the Dairy Innovation Program (DIP) on August 1, 2013 to replace the Domestic Dairy Product Innovation Program (DDPIP), which expired on July 31, 2013. Similar to the previous innovation program, the DIP is designed to grant dairy processors with continued access to the milk they require to encourage the development of innovative dairy products and to stimulate the overall demand for milk.

Guide and forms

Milk Access for Growth

The Milk Access for Growth (MAG) program guarantees a sufficient supply of milk (whole or skim) to manufacture products that will grow total market demand.

The purpose of the MAG program is to encourage new investments in the dairy sector to grow the overall Canadian demand for milk and milk products. These investments include expansion and/or establishment of plants by Canadian dairy processors, further processors of food or any other products, or Canadian or foreign investors seeking to establish a business in Canada. The program may be used for new as well as existing products (dairy or other products containing dairy ingredients), with the emphasis being placed on growth.

The CDC will start to receive applications as of November 1, 2015.

Guide and forms

Matching Investment Fund

The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) remains committed to supporting an environment that encourages growth and innovation in the manufacture and use of Canadian dairy products and ingredients. The Matching Investment Fund (MIF) provides non-repayable contributions for product development projects on a matching investment basis.

The MIF is designed to help eligible companies and Food Technology Centres (FTC) with product development initiatives that help stimulate demand for Canadian dairy products and ingredients. It supports the development of new or innovative products, the reformulation of existing products, knowledge transfer activities, technology transfer projects, new opportunities for solides non-fat ingredients.

Guide and forms

CDC Scholarship Program

The CDC helps introduce new products, technologies and markets to the dairy industry through its support of the CDC Scholarship Program. Launched in the fall of 2006, this program promotes graduate studies in agricultural economics and policy, and food, dairy or animal science as these fields relate to the dairy industry. It provides $20,000 per year for up to two years to full time M. Sc. students and $30,000 per year for up to three years to full time Ph. D. students.

Additional information

Domestic Seasonality Programs

These programs allow the CDC to work with the private sector to balance the seasonal demand and supply of products for the domestic market. When milk production exceeds requirements for the Canadian market, the CDC buys butter and skim milk powder from processors at established support price levels. Support prices are also used as a guide by provincial milk marketing boards and agencies when they establish provincial milk class prices.

More on domestic seasonality programs