The Privacy Act

The Privacy Act is the law that governs the personal information handling practices of federal government institutions. The Act applies to all of the personal information the federal government collects, uses and discloses—be it about individuals or federal employees. The Act also gives individuals the right to access and request correction of personal information held by these federal government institutions.

Explore the links below to find information and guidance related to the Privacy Act.


Privacy Act legislation and regulations

Find links to the official Act and regulations, maintained by the Department of Justice.

Investigations into federal institutions

Explore reports and summaries of the OPC’s investigations into the personal information handling practices of organizations subject to the Privacy Act.

Privacy Act compliance help

Access information and guidance created to help federal institutions ensure they are handling personal information appropriately.

Federal Court applications under the Privacy Act

Find information for complainants who want to apply for a hearing before the Federal Court.

Privacy Act Reform

Find information related to the OPC’s recommendations on modernizing the Privacy Act.

OPC involvement in Privacy Act judicial proceedings

Read about the OPC’s involvement in Federal Court proceedings.

Summaries of leading Privacy Act Federal Court cases

Find overviews of leading court cases decided under the Privacy Act and the key principles drawn from them.

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