Sailor Profiles

The best way to get a feel for Navy life and what "going to sea" is all about, is to get the first-hand perspective of actual sailors. Find out how some of these Navy men and women came to serve, where they’ve been deployed, where they're going, and a little of what life in the Navy is like through their inspiring words and stories.

Please note that the publication dates of these profiles do not necessarily reflect when the profile interview took place. Our sailor profiles are collected on an on-going basis during exercises and deployments, and reflect the sailor's experiences and rank at that time.

LS Erik Fox

Leading Seaman Erik Fox

Leading Seaman Erik Fox is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Naval Combat Information Operator (NCIOP) with 13 years of military service. Originally born in Cornwall, Ont., he moved at a young age to Kingston, Ont., and then grew up mainly in Toronto.
July 25, 2016

Private Halmich

Private Ryan Halmich

From February 22 to March 4, 2016, Private Ryan Halmich served as a Tactical Weather Specialist on board Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ottawa.
March 22, 2016

MS Rory Buchanan

Master Seaman Rory Buchanan

Master Seaman Rory Buchanan is a marine engineer on board Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Halifax, which is taking part in the maritime component of JOINTEX 15 off the coast of Spain from October 21 to November 6, 2015.
October 29, 2015

Leading Seaman Connor Parent

Leading Seaman Connor Parent

Leading Seaman Connor Parent, originally from Windsor, Ontario, is one of 13 sonar operators on board Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Halifax.
October 22, 2015

Petty Officer Second Class Lawrence Settle

Petty Officer Second Class Lawrence Settle

Petty Officer Second Class Lawrence Settle, originally from Dartmouth, N.S., leads a team of highly‑trained specialists who monitor the operation of the radar systems on board HMCS Halifax and who provide on-scene technical repairs and support for the ship day and night.
October 20, 2015

Lieutenant (Navy) Rory Kulmala

Leading Seaman Matthew Norman

The best part of the job is the people you work with, talking to them after they return to the unit from a summer of training or a deployment, and listening to all their different experiences.
August 5, 2014

Lieutenant (Navy) Rory Kulmala

Lieutenant (Navy) Rory Kulmala

I lead HMCS Malahat’s Deck Department, which includes the Dive section. In this role, I am responsible for the administration and readiness of departmental personnel and equipment.
July 30, 2014

Chief Petty Officer Second Class Alena Mondelli

Chief Petty Officer Second Class Alena Mondelli

As the Chief Naval Communicator at Sea Training (Pacific), I work directly with ship Naval Communications concerning the operation of all visual, audio and information technology communications systems within their realm of responsibility.
July 29, 2014

Leading Seaman Amber Lynne Oldland

Leading Seaman Amber Lynne Oldland

I am a boatswain aboard HMCS Winnipeg, a navy frigate based in Victoria. I enjoy the diversity of the boatswain trade since every day is different and we are always busy, whether at sea or alongside.
July 29, 2014

Ordinary Seaman Sarah Bath

Ordinary Seaman Sarah Bath

My job entails a wide range of duties and responsibilities on board ship and ashore. As a boatswain there are many different hands-on tasks that must be carried out for a ship to operate.
July 29, 2014

Master Seaman Randy Edward Melanson

Master Seaman Randy Edward Melanson

I am a weapons engineer aboard HMCS Vancouver, a navy frigate based in Victoria. My trade requires maintenance of all weapons systems.
June 10, 2014

Petty Officer First Class Michael Gregory Keeping

Petty Officer First Class Michael Gregory Keeping

I love everything about my job. A lot of this passion comes from the fact that it encompasses a diverse array of tasks. That’s what I like about the supply technician trade: I’m constantly being challenged and interested by new things.
June 5, 2014

Ordinary Seaman Kristin Bellefontaine

Ordinary Seaman Kristin Bellefontaine

As a junior operator, my daily duties include tracking surface contacts, radio communications with allied ships, and passing vital information up the chain of command.
May 20, 2014

Lieutenant-Commander Bernard Cato

Lieutenant-Commander Bernard Cato

I love the day-to-day interactions with my employees, the uniqueness of the job and the challenges that arise. No two days are the same.
May 20, 2014

Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Perry Colley

Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Perry Colley

Halifax’s Naval Reserve Division HMCS Scotian recently welcomed its first coxswain of African descent, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Perry Colley.
December 2, 2013

Petty Officer 1st Class Monika Quillan

Petty Officer 1st Class Monika Quillan

When Petty Officer 1st Class Monika Quillan joined the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) 21 years ago, she had no idea that she would set in motion a number of firsts for women in her trade.
December 2, 2013