Page principale du site Web officiel de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada

There are many ways to participate in FPCC public hearings.  You can participate in public hearings by filing your opinions and comments to the FPCC via a submission.  Such submissions can be sent by email, regular mail, or fax.  You may also fill out an electronic form (details below).  Your submissions help the FPCC evaluate proposals and merits into establishing agencies under Part II and Part III of the FPAA :

Regardless how you choose to participate, this is the information that needs to be included in your submission:

  • the application name or number of the relevant proposal;
  • identification of the Notice of Public Hearing;
  • whether you support or oppose the application, or whether you simply wish to provide a comment;
  • if you are commenting on another’s submission, the identification number of that submission or file;
  • details to support your position; and
  • whether you want to appear at a hearing.

Use this cover page when filling a submission, comment, reply OR request to appear by MAIL, EMAIL OR FAX. 

You may also refer to section 16 of the NFPMC General Rules of Procedure for further information on the details required in your submission.

Make sure that your submission arrives no later than 8 p.m. (Eastern time) on the deadline date announced in the Notice of Public Hearing and indicated on Applications Received page.

Submission by Electronic Online Form

To fill out your online submission, go to the Applications Received page to choose a notice number or application name or number.  Once completed, click on the “File†button.

Submission by Mail:
Ensure submissions are sent to the address listed below:

Hearing Secretary
Farm Products Council of Canada
Central Experimental Farm
960 Carling Avenue, Building 59
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6.

Submission by Email:
Please send submissions to

Submission by Fax:

Remember, for a fax, you must number each paragraph and include ***End of document*** after the last paragraph to confirm that the document hasn’t been damaged during transmission.

How to request to speak

Requests to speak will be granted by the Panel Chair depending on available time and relevance; also, be prepared to be asked questions by either the Panel members or other participants. Keep in mind that not all public hearings have an oral hearing.

If you want to speak at a hearing, AND you have filed a submission, you must make your request, in writing, and you must:

  • Include reasons why your submission will not be sufficient and an appearance is necessary;
  • Include specific details on the topics you wish to discuss at the hearing, and; 
  • Specify the estimated time required.

If you want to speak at a hearing and have NOT filed a submission, you must make your request in writing and you must:

  • Include specific details on the topics you wish to discuss at the hearing.
  • Specify the estimated time required to present.

Additional information

Privacy information about your comments: 

All the information that you provide as part of a public process becomes part of a publicly accessible file. This information includes your personal information, such as your full name, email address, street address, telephone and fax number(s), and any other personal information you provide. It becomes part of the information made publicly available, whether you send it in by email, postal mail, fax, or through the FPCC's Web site. Information that is explicitly granted confidentiality will not be posted.

All documents will be posted on the FPCC Web site including any personal information, in the official language and format in which they are received. Documents not received electronically will be uploaded on our Web site in PDF format.

The personal information you provide will be used and may be disclosed for the purpose for which the information was obtained or compiled by the FPCC, or for a use consistent with that purpose.

Third-party Materials: 

Some of the materials and graphical elements found on GC Web sites are subject to copyrights held by other organizations. This is particularly true for sites that are jointly operated by a GC institution and an external organization as part of a collaborative arrangement. In such cases, some restrictions on the reproduction of materials or graphical elements may apply and it may be necessary to seek permission from the rights holder prior to reproducing the material.

To obtain information concerning copyright ownership and restrictions on reproduction on this site, please contact:

Public Works and Government Services Canada
Publishing and Depository Services
350 Albert Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
K1A 0S5