RSS Feeds

Stay in touch by subscribing to one or both of our RSS feeds. To sign up:

  • Select the RSS button for the feed you wish to add to your list; or
  • Copy the link below for the feed you wish to subscribe to then paste it into your RSS feed reader.

Available Feeds:

CRTC News Updates

Decisions, Notices and Orders

What is RSS?

Rich Site Summary (RSS) or as some refer to it, Real Simple Syndication, is an XML-based format for content distribution in real time.

Instructions for adding a new feed

Web browsers with a built-in feed reader

Many web browsers such as Internet Explorer 7+ and Mozilla Firefox have a feed reader built into them. Click the RSS icon to see the feed and, if you want, subscribe. When you click the subscribe button, the feed is automatically added to the Favorites Center and to the Common Feed List for sharing with other programs.

Web browsers without a feed reader

Some web browsers do not have a built-in feed reader. Once you have a feed reader installed, follow these steps:

  • Using your mouse, right click on the RSS feed you would like to subscribe to.
  • The pop-up menu that appears will vary based on your web browser.
    • Users of Chrome and most other web browsers can select the "Copy Link Address" or "Copy Link Location" option.
  • Launch your feed reader and paste the copied URL into an "Add New Feed" window.

Step-by-step instructions on how to add new feeds are usually included with the feed reader application that you choose. When new items are added in certain sections of our web site, you will be alerted through a small pop-up window or other alert device.

How do I get a news reader?

There are many news readers available on the Web. Some can be downloaded for free; other programs cost money because they are more complex. Some readers will work better on different operating systems. You should think about these things when you choose your software.