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Name and/or Organization

File Number (PDF)

Sharmin Gamiet APFFQ2013-0003S-RA-bc Comment in support and request to appear
Michael Dossett APFFQ2013-0004S-RA-bc Comment in support and request to appear
Claude Laniel, Conseil québécois de l'horticulture APFFQ2013-00015S-RA-qc Comment in support and request to appear 
Mark Sweeney, Berry Specialist APFFQ2013-00020S-RA-bc  Comment in support and request to appear 
Yves Desjardins, Chercheur, Université de Laval APFFQ2013-00024S-RA-qc  Comment in support and request to appear 
California Strawberry Commission  APFFQ2013-00025O-RA-us Comment in opposition and request to appear 
Catherine St-Georges, Union des producteurs agricole APFFQ2013-00030-RA-qc-0028S Comment in support and request to appear
Jason McLinton, Retail Council of Canada APFFQ2013-00035-RA-on-0031-O Comment in opposition and request to appear
Louis Gosselin, Chair, Chambre de coordination et de développement, APFFQ APFFQ2013-00036-RA-qc  Comment in support and request to appear 
Kevin Schooley, Ontario Berry Growers Association  APFFQ2013-00037-RA-qc Comment in support and request to appear