Plant Pest Surveillance

The national plant protection survey program provides information in support of import, export, and domestic regulatory programs and is the basis for sound regulatory decisions.

Pest surveys are required to maintain claims of "pest-free" status of an area, to detect new populations of quarantine pests, and to delimit populations of quarantine pests with limited distributions in Canada. Pest surveys are also an integral part of control and eradication programs.

The Plant Health Surveillance Unit:

  • Plans, coordinates, and administers the national survey program
  • Designs new surveys and refines survey techniques and tools
  • Provides training, technical support, and surveillance tools for program and operational staff
  • Liaise with other departments, industry and external parties
  • Maintains the national repository of survey data
  • Develops national survey protocols, inspection guides, survey calendar and information sheets
Plant Health Surveillance Unit Contact information

Mireille Marcotte, National Manager
Telephone Number: 613-773-5313

Jill Dalton, Survey Biologist, National Capital Region
Telephone Number: 613-773-6187

Ron Neville, Survey Biologist, Atlantic Area
Telephone Number: 902-536-1022

Lucie Gagné, Survey Biologist, Quebec Area
Telephone Number: 514-283-3815 (4378)

Erin Bullas-Appleton , Survey Biologist, Ontario Area
Telephone Number: 226-217-8304

David Holden, Survey Biologist, Western Area
Telephone Number: 604-292-5643

Troy Kimoto, Survey Biologist, Forestry
Telephone Number: 604-292-5651

To be notified when new information is available on Plant Health related topics, please subscribe to our Email Notification Services and follow us on Twitter at @CFIA_Canada.

For more information on plant protection surveys and on the survey tools below, please contact us.

Annual Plant Protection Survey Reports

Survey Tools

Various survey tools have been developed to help CFIA staff, partners, stakeholders and the general public to identify plant pests of concern. The detection of pests not known to occur in Canada or regulated pests outside of the regulated area must be reported to the Plant Health Surveillance Unit or to your local CFIA office.

Survey tools that are available include:

Plant Pest Fact Sheets

Survey Protocols for Regulated Plant Pests

Plant Pest Credit Cards

  • The Plant Pest Credit Cards have been produced to enhance the awareness and recognition of plant pests by any interested stakeholders.
  • To request printed copies of the Plant Pest Credit Cards, contact the Plant Pest Surveillance Unit.

The Plant Pest Credit Cards for Asian longhorned beetle, Hemlock woolly adelgid, Emerald ash borer and Red-necked longhorn beetle are shown on this picture as examples.


Asian Longhorned Beetle Simulation Sites

  • Training sites with simulated signs of ALHB attack have been set up in various locations in Canada. Signage has been placed next to the replicated infestation to provide the public with information on ALHB and to identify the area as a simulation site only.
  • For municipalities: if you are interested in having an ALHB simulation site set-up in your municipality, please contact us.
Simulated mark on wood
A technician is marking a tree with Asian longhorned beetle simulated signs.
Signage on Asian longhorned beetle beside a tree with simulated signs.

Invasive Plant Field Guide

Cover page of the Invasive Plant Field Guide

Field Guide to Jewel Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Northeastern North America

  • This field guide covers 164 jewel beetle species for northeastern North American (Manitoba and eastward) and is intended to assist municipal foresters, arborists, technicians, entomologists, woodlot owners and naturalists in recognizing specimens encountered in the field.

Cover page of the Field Guide to Jewel Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Northeastern North America

Exotic Forest Insect Guidebook

  • This book is designed for public and private sector Canadians who work in the areas of tree health and arboriculture. This book focuses more on insect descriptions, host tree preferences, damage symptoms and geographic distribution rather than insect biology in order to increase the probability of finding exotic pests during tree health assessments.

Cover page of the Exotic forest insect guidebook

Intercepted Plant Pest List

The Intercepted Plant Pest List is prepared by the Ottawa Plant Laboratory, located in Ottawa, Ontario. This list summarizes detections from laboratory submissions of plant pests found in plants, plant products, passenger baggage, used equipment, cargo, mail, and other carriers entering Canada.

The identifications in bacteriology, entomology (including mites and terrestrial molluscs), mycology, and nematology are performed by staff of the Ottawa Plant Laboratory, with support from specialists at the Canadian Forest Service, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and reference to the national biological collections.

Virology identifications are performed by the Sidney Laboratory - Plant Viruses and Virus-Like Diseases, located in Sidney, British Columbia. Potato Pest identifications are performed by the Charlottetown Plant Health Laboratory, located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

For a copy of the Intercepted Plant Pest List or for more information please contact Diagnostics Végétaux Plant Diagnostics.

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