Canadians: Work and travel abroad with International Experience Canada

Video: Young Canadians: Travel and work abroad with International Experience Canada (IEC)

International Experience Canada (IEC) offers you a unique opportunity to gain valuable work experience while travelling abroad. As a Canadian youth aged 18-35, you can choose from one of three categories depending on where you would like to go:

Working Holiday
The work portion of your trip lets you gain experience and earn money to pay for your travels. It’s a great way to make a little money while you see the world.
Young Professionals
Widen your career horizons. Learn new approaches to doing business. Experience a different country and gain language skills. Work on teams from diverse cultural backgrounds.
International Co-op (Internship)
Gain valuable work experience related to your field of study while you do your co-op work placement or internship abroad.

Why you should work abroad

Travelling and working in a foreign country broadens your perspective of the world. It gives you the opportunity to:

  • experience different cultures,
  • learn new languages, and
  • meet people from all walks of life.

On a professional level, research shows that youth with international experience tend to be less likely to experience unemployment because of the personal and professional skills and experience they have gained.

Need a little extra help finding or planning your trip?

A lot of planning goes into travelling and working abroad. A Recognized Organization (RO) can help you plan your trip or find work. They can also help you travel to countries that aren’t partner countries. Remember that ROs offer their services for a fee.

Where would you like to go?

Available categories

    How to apply

    To be eligible for any category, you must meet the criteria set out by the country of destination.

    Note: Foreign embassies may use different names for each category.

    Need help planning your trip?

    You may also apply to IEC through a Recognized Organization. These organizations provide support and advice throughout the process.

    Refer to the Help Centre for answers to commonly asked questions about IEC and the application process.

    You may also want to review:

    Transcript: Young Canadians: Travel and work abroad with International Experience Canada (IEC)

    Video length: 01:02

    Urban music plays in the background, as a graphic appears on screen flashing into position: “International Experience Canada – Travel and Work”

    Various images of smiling IEC candidates, appear on location at a busy conference.

    NARRATION: Did you know that all around the world, young people are working abroad? It’s a great way to gain experience, travel and hang out with people from fascinating cultures in some amazing places. And, one of the best options that can help you get there is International Experience Canada.

    A woman appears on screen in the foyer of the Shaw Centre in Ottawa.

    MELANIE: So we went to Ireland. And then I was there for a year, and Europe for a year and a half in total. And actually, the office that I ended up working at was also really fun. Irish people, they’re awesome.

    A man appears on screen in the foyer of the Shaw Centre in Ottawa.

    DUNCAN: I got to Berlin, Germany, and started working as a freelance journalist.

    A woman appears on screen in the foyer of the Shaw Centre in Ottawa.

    ALYSHA-RAE: I was looking for an internship. And eventually I found one in Hamburg, Germany, and I was working as a market researcher. You learn so many skills just, you know, intercultural sensitivity. You learn from working with people of a different background than you. There’s so many things that will just add to your personality, and I think it’s such a valuable thing.

    DUNCAN: And having that experience sort of act as a bit of a launch pad, so to speak, for more opportunities in the future.

    MELANIE: It’s an amazing experience. You learn so much about yourself, about other people, cultures, history. It’s just awesome. Just do it.

    The same smiling IEC candidates appear on screen in a conference setting.

    NARRATION: Acquire valuable And Go Abroad!

    The screen text displays a web address: CANADA.CA/IEC-EIC

    The Canada word mark is displayed as urban music plays and fades.

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