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Length: 3:36

Library and Archives Canada. Collaboration.

On-camera starts at 0:08

(Commentator is standing in the Preservation Centre Hallway)

Narrator: Our ongoing video series will now explore how we, at Library and Archives Canada, are making this country’s documentary heritage more accessible than ever - in particular with our rich and vast portrait collection currently housed in this state-of-the-art facility in Gatineau, Quebec.

Narrator: Both the Government of Canada and Library and Archives Canada have made it a priority to bring the country’s documentary heritage to its citizens from coast to coast to coast, using various means like our traveling exhibition series.

(Employee pulling out sliding vault door, featuring portrait of Sir Wilfred Laurier. Various photographs of the “Portraits in the Streets” program. Portraits on city buildings, train, and mural of the Rideau Canal Skateway)

Narrator: Until recently, most Canadians had few opportunities to enjoy our prized collection - treasures which not only help Canadians understand their history, culture and identity, but also offer a unique insight into the personalities, achievements and events that  have shaped, and continue to shape this fascinating country.

(Commentator is standing inside the art vault of the Preservation Centre)

Narrator: For example, the national portrait collection founded in the 1880’s today includes over four million photographs, as well as tens of thousands of other distinctive items.

(Various images of the portrait collection inside the art vault of the Preservation Centre)

Narrator: As part of its mandate, Library and Archives Canada acquires, preserves and lends these valuable items. And now, thanks to partnerships with museums, galleries and local community venues throughout Canada, this vast collection has been unveiled and is being seen by more people than ever before.

(Commentator is standing inside the art vault of the Preservation Centre)

Narrator: Past installations of the popular Portraits in the Street and Portraits on the Ice programs, designed to offer Canadians an unexpected encounter with their country’s heritage in an outdoor setting, are examples of these types of collaborations.

(Various images of the “Portraits in the Streets” and “Portraits on the Ice” installations)

Narrator: We’ve also partnered with the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario on an exhibition at Queen’s Park, featuring notable figures in the province’s past and present.

Narrator: These and many other traveling exhibitions, including Double Take at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, have attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors across the country.

(Various images of Queen’s Park exhibition and Canadian Museum of Civilization’s “Double Take” exhibition)

Narrator: Over the past few years, many fascinating pieces of our national documentary heritage have also travelled to Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

Narrator: And new exhibitions to bring our collection items to even more communities across the country are under consideration.

Narrator: Also, more than ever today, digital technologies are transforming how users access information. Canadians, through their mobile devices and computer screens, are finding access to our collections through social media platforms like Flickr, Twitter, iTunes or podcasts.

(Images of individuals using mobile devices and laptops. Library and Archives social media sites shown, including Flickr, Twitter, and iTunes)

Narrator: In addition to these new tools, our website, which features thousands of portraits and other items, receives an average of half a million visits each month.

(Various screen shots of Library and Archives Canada’s webpages)

Narrator: The success and popularity of these exhibition partnerships, combined with the exciting opportunities offered by virtual channels, clearly demonstrates just how promising and exciting Library and Archives Canada’s innovative approach is for reaching out to Canadians, regardless of where they live.

(Commentator is standing in the Preservation Centre Hallway)

Audio ends at: 3:23

(Screen fades to black and shows the web address and social networking pages of Library and Archives Canada, Facebook, and Twitter)

Social media addresses: Facebook, Twitter

Library and Archives Canada corporate identifier

Government of Canada corporate identifier

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