Directory of CBSA Offices and Services

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) provides clearance, control and examination services, on behalf of other government departments and agencies, for travellers, importers and exporters, at close to 1,200 points of entry (POE), including land border offices, international mail processing centres, airports, sufferance warehouses, and a number of other service locations.

The on-line Directory of CBSA Offices and Services is a comprehensive listing of designated CBSA offices and service locations across Canada and includes information such as services available, location and hours of operation.

On occasion, the CBSA is required to amend the service(s) offered at a POE as a result of a change in traffic and passenger volumes, because of risk or in order to meet operational demands. As a result, the core service request (CSR) process was developed to assist the CBSA in identifying and defining factors to be considered and to be presented for official approval for legal designation under the Customs Act. This process is a responsive approach to address and approve CSRs received from within the CBSA or on behalf of external clients to the extent possible, in a consistent manner, while taking into account regional operational requirements.

The Air Services Policy Framework was developed to assist in determining eligibility for new or enhanced CBSA services in the air mode.

While core services are publicly funded, when the CBSA enters into an agreement to provide services on a cost recovery basis, those services are funded by the client. To optimize efficiencies, provide the greatest value in service and ensure sustainable operations, the CBSA may, under certain circumstances, provide a specific service on a cost recovery basis. These agreements are generally made with port authorities, airport authorities, cruise ship operators, airlines or municipalities. Typically, services offered under cost recovery allow both the CBSA and the client to provide services outside of core locations and core hours of operations.

Border Information Service (BIS), provides computerized information 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Agents are only available regular business hours, Monday to Friday (08:00 - 16:00 local time/except holidays.)

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