Permanent Delegation of Canada to the OECD

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international multilateral organization composed of 35 member countries, representing approximately 62.5% of the world economy (GDP), 60.8% of world merchandise imports, and 17.7% of the world’s population. It is dedicated to ensuring the sustainable economic prosperity of its members and non-members through the advancement and dissemination of best market economic, social and democratic practices. Within the OECD, governments work together to address the challenges of globalisation. To learn more...

Canada views the OECD as a key forum for progress on international economic and social issues and benefits from membership in an international forum where countries collectively define policy and guidelines designed to improve living standards. To learn more...

Are you a Canadian delegate preparing to attend an OECD Committee Meeting?

Contact us to get a copy of our Delegate's Guide. This brochure provides helpful information for visiting delegates.

About Us

Contact us

Fax: (011-33-1)

Mailing address
Permanent Delegation of Canada to the OECD
15 bis rue de Franqueville
75116 Paris

Metro La Muette
08:30 -18:30
