Electronic Commerce

Canada believes that electronic commerce provides new ways of doing business, opens new business opportunities and that it is still commerce rather than a new sector. Canada considers that existing multilateral agreements and frameworks already apply to electronic commerce.

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) can foster remarkable new business efficiencies. It gives small and medium-sized enterprises access to much wider geographical markets, and for consumers around the globe it provides the benefits of increased competition and product choice. Such benefits are contingent upon an affordable access to infrastructure and e-commerce-related services, as well as an on-line environment of trust and security. Only with international cooperation can such a trading environment be created, optimizing the social and economic potential of electronic commerce. From an international trade policy perspective, what is needed is greater clarity in applying existing international trade rules to electronic transactions.

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Contact Point

If you have questions or comments, please contact Global Affairs Canada at:

Intellectual Property, Information and Technology Trade Policy Division (TMI)
Global Affairs Canada
Lester B. Pearson Building
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G2
Fax: 613-944-0066
E-mail : consultations@international.gc.ca