Archived Publications

March, 2007
Are you an employer? Do you know how to accommodate an employee who has returned to work after a long absence? This guide provides a step-by-step approach for managers helping an employee return to work. The guide offers concrete examples and also takes you through your legal obligations.
October, 2005
What were the Commission’s reasons for recommending that section 67 be repealed from the Canadian Human Rights Act? What impact did the Commission anticipate the legislative change would have on First Nations communities? This 2005 report recommends that Parliament eliminate section 67 so that First Nations people living on reserve have access to the same human rights protection available to other people in Canada.
January, 2006
Are you an employer? Do you understand your obligation to accommodate all employees? Would you like to know how to develop a workplace accommodation policy? This guide can help you understand your legal obligations when creating your workplace accommodation policies and procedures.
May, 2007
Are you an employer or service provider? Do you know your legal obligations to accommodate individuals with environmental sensitivities? What are the best methods to resolve conflicts about accommodating environmental sensitivities? This report examines these issues from both a legal and a human rights perspective. It provides seven recommendations to help you deal with environmental sensitivities.
February, 2009
What is social condition? Should it be covered by the Canadian Human Rights Act? This report looks at a range of arguments both for and against making social condition a new prohibited ground of discrimination. It also recommends a feasible and practical means for adding social condition to the Canadian Human Rights Act.
April, 2007
What processes are available to help Aboriginal people resolve their conflicts internally? What are the most common challenges implementing such a process? This report examines three dispute resolution processes and the differences between Indigenous and Western practices.
March, 2006
Are you an employer? Do you have or are you trying to implement an anti-harassment policy? This guide can help you develop and implement an anti-harassment policy in your workplace. It also provides you with tips on how to prepare, monitor and update your policies so that your employees are aware of their rights.
March, 2010
In June 2008, Parliament removed section 67 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. This gave people governed by the Indian Act full access to human rights law in Canada. At the same time, section 1.2 was added to the Act, giving due regard to First Nations legal traditions and customary laws. What impact will section 1.2 have on the Indian Act? How will we balance individual and collective rights with First Nations legal traditions and customary laws? This report examines how First Nations communities and organizations are to implement section 1.2 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. It suggests areas where the Commission, the Tribunal, First Nations, the federal government, and Parliament might assist in this goal.
Bona Fide Occupational Requirements and Bona Fide Justifications under the Canadian Human Rights Act
March, 2007
What is direct discrimination? What is indirect discrimination? What are Bona Fide Occupational Requirements? What is undue hardship? What significance did the Meiorin and Grismer decisions have on this area of human rights law? This report provides answers to these questions and also outlines the Commission's investigation process for complaints.
December, 2010
Are you an employer? Have you been notified of an employment equity audit? Are you trying to better understand your roles and responsibilities under the Employment Equity Act? This publication outlines the Commission’s audit process, and provides important legal information on the Employment Equity Act.


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