Employment Equity Compliance Program - Forward Plan for Notification

Every three years, the Commission notifies employers with more than 500 employees that they would be subject to an assessment. Additional random notifications are conducted in the process to cover all federally regulated employers.

The Commission aims to complete a minimum of 75 assessments of employer per year, of which 40 will be subject to an audit (e.g. employers with lower EE results1).

An audit is a mechanism to ensure compliance with the Employment Equity Act. Being assessed or audited does not mean that the employer is not in compliance with the Act.

All federally regulated employers with 100 or more employees are subject to an employment equity compliance audit. The Commission has adopted a results-and risk-based approach for its audit selection process. Every three years, the Commission notifies employers with more than 500 employees that they have been selected for an assessment. Additional random notifications are conducted in the process to cover all federally regulated employers. 

Below is the forward plan for notification of employers with more than 500 employees : 

Forward plan for notification by :

  1. Organization's registration number, for private sector (PDF)
  2. Organization's name, for public sector and separate agencies (PDF)
  3. Possible notification date (PDF)

[1] Refers to the ratio between representation in the workplace and availability in the labour market.

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