Our Work

Promoting the development of human rights cultures

The Commission works with organizations across Canada to promote diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace cultures.

The Human Rights Maturity Model

The Commission, together with employers, employees, unions and organizations from across Canada, has developed a tool to help organizations improve their human rights cultures.

The Model is voluntary and it is free.

Find out more about the Human Rights Maturity Model.

National Aboriginal Initiative

The Commission’s National Aboriginal Initiative helps raise awareness of Aboriginal rights, and provides First Nations governments with the information they require to meet their responsibilities under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

For more information, visit: www.doyouknowyourrights.ca.

Understanding human rights through research and policy development

The Commission conducts research related to the Canadian Human Rights Act to help the general public, academics, federal organizations, as well as Members of Parliament understand new human rights trends in Canada.

Through its research, the Commission helps advise, inform and influence public debate. This work includes submissions to Parliament and the United Nations about current human rights issues.

Protecting human rights through effective case and complaint management

The Commission is responsible for receiving and resolving discrimination complaints under the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Commission deals with discrimination complaints against the federal government, First Nations governments, and private companies that are regulated by the federal government such as banks, trucking companies, and telecommunications companies.

The Commission provides an independent dispute resolution process designed to resolve discrimination complaints at the earliest opportunity.

The Commission’s dispute resolution process has three main stages:

  1. Before a formal complaint is filed
  2. After a formal complaint is filed
  3. After the Commission’s decision

Some discrimination complaints may be resolved after only one stage. Others may go through all three. It all depends on the details of the complaint and the parties involved.

If the two sides cannot reach an agreement, the Commission may conduct an investigation. In some instances, the Commission may refer complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, a separate organization, for adjudication.

Representing the public interest to advance human rights for all Canadians

The Commission represents the public interest in cases where the outcome has the potential to clarify, influence, shape or define human rights law. These types of cases often have the potential to set precedents. Others may involve systemic discrimination, which occurs when policies or practices create or perpetuate disadvantage for individuals or groups of individuals based on one of the 11 grounds of discrimination.

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