How can I prevent discrimination in my workplace?

One way to improve your workplace is to prevent discrimination. Even if you do not intend it, discrimination can arise from your workplace policies, practices or unwritten policies from people’s behaviour in your organization.

Preventing discrimination starts with taking a closer look at your existing policies and practices. Consider what needs to be changed, refined or clarified so that all of your employees’ various needs are respected.

Create your own human rights protection policies

Human rights policies will help your organization prevent discrimination and avoid complaints. Some examples include:

    • a duty to accommodate policy;
    • a pregnancy and parental leave policy; and 
    • an anti-harassment policy.

The Commission has other model policies that may be useful.

Think about your physical workplace

Assess your building, facilities, office layout and safety policies to determine whether everyone’s needs are being met. Ramps, automatic doors and accessible washrooms are examples of what your organization can do to accommodate everyone.

Confront discrimination as soon as it happens

Instruct your staff on how to confront and resolve discrimination the moment it happens. Make sure any attempts to resolve a conflict are always fully documented.

You can build on this by planning and developing an internal dispute resolution process and by using the Human Rights Maturity Model

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