Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
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CISC Administrative Guidelines

1. Purpose of Document

2. Mandate

3. Operating Principles

4. Organization

5. Process

6. Dispute Resolution Process

7. Documentation

Appendix 1 - Organization and Working Group Mandates

Appendix 2 - Task Information

Appendix 3 - Contributions

Appendix 4 - Disputes

Appendix 5 – Dispute Position Papers

Appendix 6 - Preparation of a TIF Report

Appendix 7 - Preparation of WG Status Report Form

Appendix 8 - Diputes Status Log

Appendix 9 - Submission of Documents

Appendix 10 - File Naming Convention

1. Purpose Of Document

The purpose of this document is to describe the mandate of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC), its organization and the procedures that will apply to its working groups and task groups as they may exist from time to time.

2. Mandate

The mandate of the CISC is to undertake tasks related to technological, administrative and operational issues on matters assigned by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) or originated by the public, that fall within the CRTC's jurisdiction.

3. Operating Principles

The CISC shall:

  • Afford all parties the right to be heard on CISC-related matters by providing notice in a timely fashion and by operating in an open manner. However, parties who fail to attend meetings or fail to make their views clearly known in the course of work on the tasks should not expect to be able to have items re-examined in CISC process.
  • Conduct activities in a fair and unbiased manner.
  • Support the evaluation and acceptance of issues and development of resolutions based on their merit.
  • Reach resolution of issues in a timely, efficient and effective manner and continuously seek to improve on CISC process and/or organizational structure.
  • Recognize that broad and consistent achievement of a consensus resolution is a fundamental expectation and the reason for the existence of the CISC.
  • recognizing that most CISC work is highly technical and therefore of limited interest to consumers, make reasonable efforts to inform consumer representatives of any consumer issues arising in the CISC; and
  • not substitute for ultimate decision-making by the CRTC. All resolutions achieved by the CISC are subject to CRTC approval, and may be subjected by the CRTC to a further public process in order to ensure that all relevant interests have been adequately heard.