Helpful Links

Accommodation Works ! – A user-friendly guide to working together on health issues in the workplace.

Human Rights Maturity Model – the Commission developed the Human Rights Maturity Model to help organizations improve their workplace cultures and make human rights an integral part of the way they do business. The Model is voluntary and it is free. – the Do You Know Your Rights website is tailored to meet the needs of people living in First Nations communities who would like additional information about human rights.

Canadian Human Rights Milestones -To celebrate our 35th anniversary, we have put together a collection of 15 historical milestones that illustrate how human rights have evolved in Canada.

Human Rights in Canada: A Historical Perspective – Like any great story, the past 100 years of human rights is filled with highs and lows, big surprises and unexpected twists. To tell that fascinating story, the Department of Justice Canada has put together an impressive array of historical background material, case studies, cross references and anecdotal information. We trust you will find this site both instructive and entertaining.

Youth for Human Rights Website – Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2001. Youth for Human Rights International teaches human rights education both in the classroom and in nontraditional educational settings. Its aim is to reach people from diverse backgrounds, with materials which often appeal across generations.

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal – the Tribunal is separate and independent from the Commission. In some cases, the Commission will refer discrimination complaints to the Tribunal for adjudication. The Tribunal acts like a court and is responsible for holding hearings and deciding on cases that it receives from the Commission. Only the Tribunal has the authority to order a remedy or award damages.

Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA) – CASHRA is a Canadian organization that connects all of Canada's federal, provincial and territorial human rights commissions with each other.

Provincial and Territorial Human Rights Agencies - Provinces and territories are responsible for the majority of employers and service providers in Canada. Things like restaurants, grocery stores and gas stations fall under the responsibility of your province or territory.

Access to Information and Privacy - The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act provide Canadian citizens, permanent residents or any person present in Canada the legal right to obtain information, in any form, that is under the control of a government institution. The general purpose of these acts is to make government more open and transparent and to allow citizens to more fully participate in the democratic process.


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