
October 20, 2016

Privacy Commissioner Awards Funding for 2017 Privacy Research Symposium

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has awarded funding to the University of Toronto to host the next Pathways to Privacy Research Symposium. Organized by the Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR) group at the Rotman School of Management, the event will take place on Friday, March 10, 2017. The theme of the symposium will be “Online Privacy: A Human-Centred Approach.”

The symposium aims to highlight the privacy challenges that consumers face every day while online. In particular, it will explore the values that underlie privacy protection online and examine how these values are furthered or threatened by technological developments. The symposium will feature recent research funded by the OPC’s Contributions Program and explore the key factors—cognitive, contextual, and social—that underlie consumers’ decisions to share their personal information online. The event will also explore how programs and policies of governments and businesses can better incorporate these human factors into their design. By bringing together academics, regulators, industry and consumer groups, the symposium will be a forum for exploring creative ideas on how to address consumer privacy challenges in the online world.

Sessions will be open to the public, free of charge, and a webcast version will be available on the BEAR webpage. Symposium material will also be posted on the event’s webpage in both English and French.

BEAR conducts leading edge research on consumer decision making, helps consumers achieve positive behavioral changes through awareness raising initiatives, and engages the public and organizations in a variety of educational and outreach activities.

The funds for this event were awarded following a call for proposals, which was issued by the OPC in July 2016. The submitted proposals were evaluated by a panel of representatives from the OPC and an external peer reviewer.

For more information on the Contributions Program, contact:

François Cadieux
Senior Research Analyst (Contributions Program)
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Tel.: (819) 994-6010

For more information on the symposium, contact:

Liz Kang
Research Coordinator
Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR)
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Tel:416-978-6980 | Mobile: 647-465-4182

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