Partnerships and Collaborations

Municipal Partners in Canada’s Capital Region

Jurisdiction in Canada’s Capital Region is shared by the NCC and several municipalities, the largest of which are Ottawa and Gatineau. As one of the largest owners and managers of land in Canada’s Capital Region, the NCC collaborates with the region’s municipalities on many issues, from public programming to planning to property and land stewardship.

Local Aboriginal Communities

The NCC collaborates with Aboriginal communities in Canada’s Capital Region, such as:

A Selection of Key Collaborations and Partnerships

Canada's Capital Cities Organization (CCCO)

The CCCO includes representatives from Canada’s national, provincial and territorial capitals. Its goal is to foster an exchange of ideas among participants from different parts of the country. The CCCO provides opportunities for representatives — and capitals — to share their skills and to combine efforts to promote the capitals, both culturally and economically.

Canada’s Capital in the 21st Century

Canada’s Capital in the 21st Century involves the NCC, other federal agencies, the City of Ottawa, the Ville de Gatineau and the private sector. It focuses on implementing the Plan for Canada’s Capital and proposes strategies, projects and actions to transform the Capital vision into reality. The Canada’s Capital in the 21st Century focuses on six themes: symbolism in the Capital, the visitor experience, the Capital’s rivers, the Capital’s natural environment, federal government office accommodation, and the rural Capital.

Capitals Alliance

The Capitals Alliance provides a global forum for senior planners and urban designers in capital cities around the world. Through Capitals Alliance, planners exchange ideas and solutions with international colleagues on the unique challenges facing national capitals.

Ottawa Tourism

Ottawa Tourism is a private, not-for-profit, membership-based organization that promotes tourism to Ottawa and the region.

Outaouais Tourism

Outaouais Tourism is a private, not-for-profit organization that encourages tourism to Gatineau, the Outaouais and the region.

Other Partners and Collaborators

In addition to these key partners, the NCC also collaborates with other Government of Canada organizations, as well as with national and international organizations and associations.

To find out more about becoming an NCC partner, contact Marketing and Partnership.