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Public Works and Government Services Canada

1.40. Departmental Delegation of Authority

1.40.1 Use of Judgment and Knowledge


  1. The individual requirements of a particular procurement may suggest that a course of action other than one set out in this Manual should be followed. Wherever there is no instruction on a particular subject, contracting officers must use their judgement and knowledge following the guiding principles at subsection 1.10.5 Guiding Principles.
  2. PWGSC may be required to defend publicly a contracting officer's actions, and the contracting officer will be required to substantiate those actions. In the event that there is a need to deviate from an established policy or procedure, the process to be followed can only be presented in general terms:
    1. Any deviation must be identified in advance and must be carefully assessed and justified (including the reason for the deviation and the consequences of not deviating) for approval by the director general.
    2. The director general must determine whether more senior officials must become involved in the decision to deviate.

1.40.5 Contract Approval and Signing Authorities


Contracting officers are delegated authorities from the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to provide procurement and acquisitions-related services to departments and agencies. See Chapter 6 Approvals and Authorities for further details.