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Public Works and Government Services Canada

6.1. Approvals and authorities - General information

  1. This chapter addresses the various types of plans, reviews and approval processes associated with procurement based on the different authority levels. These forms and approval processes apply to contracts/standing offers and supply arrangements. It also contains the authorities for approving and signing procurement documents and details special approval considerations and exceptions to approval authorities. Contracting officers will also find information for interpreting and using the authorities.
  2. Contracts are entered into by Her Majesty the Queen as represented by a minister. The authority to enter into contracts is generally in the legislation constituting the department and conferring certain powers on the minister. The Department of Public Works and Government Services Act confers the Minister's contracting authority. The Minister's authority is delegated to officers throughout the Department in order to carry out the internal contract process.
  3. The financial limits are established by Treasury Board pursuant to the Financial Administration Act and are set out in the Treasury Board Contracts Directive.
  4. Contracting officers are delegated authorities to enter into contracts and to sign and amend contracts in accordance with the level of responsibility of the position they occupy. Details of the delegated authorities and obligations are provided in 6.20 Contract Approval and Signing Authorities.
  5. Contracting officers must not split contracts or contract amendments in order to avoid obtaining either the approval required by statute, the Treasury Board Contract Directives or appropriate management approval. Furthermore, contracts must not be split to avoid Canada's obligations under national or international trade agreements, or the application of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) procurement policies.