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6.10. Additional Reviews

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The contracting officer is responsible for ensuring that the procurement document(s) receive appropriate review and approval by the proper area or authority. Below are some of the reviewing authorities that must be consulted before or during the approval process.

6.10.1 Contract Quality Control Review


A review of the procurement by Quality Control and Support Services Division or Regional Quality Assurance is within the discretion of the contracting officer or the approval authority. The appropriate review body will provide written comments regarding the accuracy and adequacy of the approval documents to the contracting officer.

6.10.5 Legal Services Review


  1. Legal Services must be consulted when the contracting officer is considering a deviation from Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual clauses or the departmental standard procurement templates or the departmental standard procurement templates, or commodity or sector-based legally approved templates.
  2. Legal Services must review any requests for lessening Canada's full rights at law, a disclaimer, limitation of the contractor's liability, or decrease of the warranty time period. The proposed changes must also be acceptable to the client, and form part of the request for approval.
  3. A review by Legal Services is within the discretion of the contracting officer or the approval authority, except in those instances that are mandated by policies and directives within the Acquisitions Program (for example, for sensitive requirements).
  4. See section 3.110 Legal Services for other situations requiring consultation with Legal Services.

6.10.10 Cost and Price Analysis Services


  1. Mandatory Use of Cost and Price Analysis Services
    Contracting officers must contact a cost analyst for:
    • any Treasury Board submission;
    • a contract or contract amendment requests; or
    • Contract Planning and Advance Approval;
    which meets any of the mandatory conditions set out in the Directive on the Use of Cost and Price Analysis Services (located under the theme of Risk ManagementThe information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. of the Acquisitions Program Policy Suite). The cost analyst will determine if further analysis or review is required.
    Refer to the Directive for specific conditions, process, contact information and roles and responsibilities.
  2. Discretionary Use of Cost and Price Analysis Services
    Apart from the mandatory conditions where they must be consulted, cost analysts are always available for consultation on any procurement on a discretionary basis. Refer to the Guideline on the Use of Cost and Price Analysis Services (located under the theme of Risk ManagementThe information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. of the Acquisitions Program Policy Suite) for more information on available services.

6.10.15 Industrial Security


Contracting officers should ensure that any industrial security requirement is addressed in the approval documents and that the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) has done a review as appropriate. For more information on industrial security, see 4.30.10 Industrial Security in Contracts to 4.30.30 Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence and 5.15 Verifying Compliance with Security Requirements.

6.10.20 Client Department Review


  1. Client departments must review and provide their written concurrence that the client’s input into the solicitation document (e.g. Statement of Work, Statement of Requirement, specification, evaluation) is accurately reflected within the solicitation document and the TB submission, in accordance with Annex 1.1: Matrix of Responsibilities between PWGSC and Client Departments for the Procurement of Goods and Services (Generic) and Annex 1.2: Specific Division of Responsibilities Agreements.
  2. For the generic division of anticipated types of responsibilities between PWGSC and client departments, consult Annex 1.1: Matrix of Responsibilities between PWGSC and Client Departments for the Procurement of Goods and Services (Generic); for the two client-specific agreements with the Department of National Defence, consult Annex 1.2: Specific Division of Responsibilities Agreements.
  3. A specific procurement may require the modification or deletion of individual conditions. These changes must be discussed with the client before inclusion in the solicitation or contract/standing offer/supply arrangement, to ensure that complete understanding exists as to the extent of the client's rights and responsibilities. For the responsibilities of the client department with respect to the solicitation, see 4.75.1 Client Department Review of Elements of a Solicitation.