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Public Works and Government Services Canada Incumbent

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  1. Limits to the contract approval and signing authorities granted by the Minister and Deputy Minister to incumbents of designated positions are as set out in Annex 6.4: Conditions Imposed on the Approval Authority Limits for Public Works and Government Services Canada Personnel. These are maximum limits which may be reduced at the discretion of the appropriate managers.
  2. A person is normally designated the incumbent of a position following staffing action. Supervisors must inform new incumbents of the levels of contract approval and signing authority to be exercised, by signing an individual delegation form PWGSC-TPSGC 524, Delegation of Common Service Acquisition Authorities – Schedule 3 (PDF 156 KB)The information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. - (Help on File Formats).
  3. Contracting officers who have previously exercised contract approval and signing authorities in another position may exercise, upon promotion, the authorities delegated to incumbents at the new level once a new individual delegation form is completed and signed. General information on Delegation of Authority Instruments is available to PWGSC employees on-line at Delegation of Authorities. Further information on the principles of delegation of authority and proper use of the authorities is available at Delegation Principles.
  4. Directors general must withhold full contract approval and signing authorities from anyone who has had no PWGSC purchasing/contracting experience until competence has been demonstrated at a lower level of authority for at least six months.
  5. To facilitate audit requirements, the signed original of the individual delegation form must be forwarded to the Manager, Internal Delegations, Policy, Risk, Integrity and Strategic Management Sector (PRISMS), Acquisitions Program Policy Directorate (APPD). Regional offices are requested to send a copy of the signed form. A signed copy should be kept on file in the procurement area or central location.