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Public Works and Government Services Canada

7.10. Issuance of Supply Arrangements and Standing Offers

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Following a Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) or a Request for Supply Arrangements (RFSA) process, an authorization document is issued, which gives contracting officers and client departments, when applicable, the authority to use the instrument. For more information on the use of these instruments, see 3.5 Existing Procurement Instruments, 3.15 Non-competitive Contracting Process, 4.10.20 Request for Standing Offers and 4.10.25 Request for Supply Arrangements.

7.10.1 Standing Offers


  1. The authorization document for standing offers, entitled "Standing Offer and Call-Up Authority", may take one of the following forms:
    1. a "National Master Standing Offer (NMSO)", which is generally issued for the use of all departments. PWGSC contracting officers and client departments are both authorized to make call-ups;
    2. a "Departmental Individual Standing Offer (DISO)", which is generally issued for the use of a single client. Only PWGSC contracting officers are authorized to make call-ups. However, software DISOs, which are structured more like NMSOs, are an exception as they authorize the client to make call-ups;
    3. a "National Individual Standing Offer (NISO)", which is generally issued for the use of a single client. Both PWGSC contracting officers and client department are authorized to make call-ups;
    4. a "Regional Master Standing Offer (RMSO)", which is generally issued for the use of many clients within a specific geographic area; and
    5. a "Regional Individual Standing Offer (RISO)", which is generally issued for the use of a single client within a specific geographic area.
  2. Call-ups must be made in accordance with the procedure set out in the SO and, in the case of multiple SOs, in accordance with the call-up methodology described in all of the SOs being referenced. Call-ups cannot exceed the contracting limit set out in the standing offer. For more information on allowable call-up limitations, see
  3. A call-up against a standing offer carried out by an identified user constitutes acceptance of the offer. The SO (offer) and call-up (acceptance) form a binding contract between Canada and the offeror. Form PWGSC-TPSGC 942The information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. is the standard document for identified users to make call-ups against a standing offer. Form PWGSC-TPSGC 944The information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. is used for call-ups against multiple standing offers.

7.10.5 Supply Arrangements


  1. The authorization to use a supply arrangement insert (SA) will take the form of a SA document that is generally issued for use by all client departments. Client departments may or may not be authorized to award contracts or issue bid solicitations. If authorized, they will award contracts under their own contracting authority within their own financial contracting authority. For contracts beyond client departments' contracting authority, PWGSC will be the contracting authority.
  2. Resulting contracts must be awarded in accordance with the procedures, and within the contracting limits, described in the supply arrangement.