Symbol of the Government of Canada

Public Works and Government Services Canada

8.65.1. Receipt and Deposit of Monies

  1. When contracting officers receive monies directly from contractors with respect to a particular claim by Canada, these monies must be sent, in compliance with TB Contracting Instrument "ARCHIVED - Policy on Deposits", to the departmental accounting unit, as soon as possible. A memorandum must accompany the monies, with copies to the client and the Cost and Profit Assurance Group (CPAG). The memorandum should include:
    1. a brief description explaining why monies are being remitted;
    2. the name of the client;
    3. the PWGSC file/contract serial number; and
    4. the name and telephone number of the contracting officer.
  2. In the National Capital Region (NCR), the monies are sent to:
    Finance Branch
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Portage III, 12B1
    Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0S5
  3. Outside NCR, the recipient is the appropriate PWGSC regional director's office.
  4. Reference should be made to section 10.70 Recovery and Disposition of Contract Claims Adjustments Process.