Symbol of the Government of Canada

Public Works and Government Services Canada

9.30.10. Implementation

Information: Publiservice Disclaimer

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Main Content

  1. Since acquisitions from CORCAN are considered "transfers" of goods and services between federal organizations, they are not contracts within the meaning of the Government Contracts Regulations (GCRs) and the Treasury Board (TB) Contracting Policy. The procurement provisions of the trade agreements do not apply to a "transfer" between CORCAN and the Government of Canada; these transactions are not procurements and as such are excluded from the application of the trade agreements. Furthermore, Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements do not apply on these transactions.
  2. If a department, agency or Crown corporation is satisfied that a particular good or service offered by CORCAN provides good value, and funds are available, then the acquisition may take place without calling for bids and without reference to the traditional Treasury Board contract entry levels.
  3. But if a department, agency or Crown corporation decides to use Public Works and Government Services Canada, Acquisitions Branch (AB) as the contracting authority, AB internal policies apply. In this case, even though arrangements with CORCAN are not governed by the GCRs and the TB Contracting Policy, all existing departmental limits governing the approval of entry into and signing of contract apply.
  4. Documentation of an acquisition from CORCAN takes the form of a "Stores Transfer Order".
  5. Additional information on how federal organizations can acquire goods and services directly from CORCAN can be obtained by contacting a local CORCAN sales representative at 1-800-267-0354 or by following the instructions provided in the Stores Transfer Guideline No. E60PQ-050000-001-PQThe information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. (PDF Version 143 KB) (Help on File Formats) posted in the Standing Offer Index (SOI).