
The National Capital Act authorizes the NCC to make regulations to protect NCC property, and to preserve order and prevent accidents on NCC property. The NCC is responsible for the following regulations:

  • National Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
  • Leamy Lake Navigation Channel Regulations
  • National Capital Commission Animal Regulations.

An outline of the content of each regulation follows.

NCC Traffic and Property Regulations

The NCC owns and manages roads, hundreds of kilometres of pathways and 47,000 hectares of land in the National Capital Region. The National Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations includes rules governing:

  • vehicle traffic on NCC roads
  • the use of the NCC recreational pathways
  • the protection of NCC property.

Leamy Lake Navigation Channel Regulations

The Leamy Lake Navigation Channel connects the Gatineau River and Leamy Lake. The Leamy Lake Navigation Channel Regulations includes rules governing entry into the channel, as well as prohibitions and obligations related to its use. An overview of the regulations is available in the Leamy Lake Navigation Channel Brochure.

NCC Animal Regulations

The National Capital Commission Animal Regulations outline where domestic animals, including dogs, are allowed on NCC lands and the rules that their owners must follow on these lands. The regulations contain exemptions for people accompanied by service dogs.

Where it relates to dogs and other pets (except hoofed animals), NCC lands are grouped by three types.


Leashed dogs and other pets are welcome on most NCC lands, including urban parks, recreational pathways, parkway corridor lands, most Gatineau Park trails and most Greenbelt trails.

In these areas, your pet must be restrained with a leash or harness held firmly by a person or attached securely to something the animal cannot move. The length of the leash or harness cannot exceed 2 metres.

You can bring one or two pets on NCC lands at a time. You cannot ski, in-line skate or ride a bike when you are in charge of your pet.


Dogs and other pets can run off-leash on designated NCC lands. Off-leash areas are located at the following NCC properties:

  • Bruce Pit
  • Conroy Pit
  • Rockcliffe–Hillsdale
  • Pine Hill
  • Stanley Avenue Park
  • Hampton Park

An off-leash dog or pet must be under control at all times. A pet that is under control will follow a voice command or hand signal from the person in charge of it. Each person can bring no more than two pets on NCC lands at a time.

No Dogs or Pets

Dogs and other pets are not allowed at the following NCC sites:

  • environmentally sensitive areas
  • some Gatineau Park trails
  • beaches and surrounding areas
  • some Greenbelt trails
  • the Rideau Canal Skateway
  • campgrounds
  • food concession areas and outdoor restaurants
  • picnic areas
  • play-structure areas
  • cross-country ski trails
  • areas where organized events are being held

Exceptions are made for service dogs.

The animal regulations also require that you

  • pick up after your pet
  • keep your pet away from fountains and shorelines (pets are not allowed to be within 3 metres of any shoreline on NCC land)
  • prevent your pet from damaging property
  • take measures to ensure that your pet does not bite, attack, chase or injure any person or animal
  • not leave your pet unattended in a vehicle when the weather is very hot or cold.

Animal Regulation Fines

Fines for disobeying the regulations range from $100 to $500. For more information, see the complete list of offences under the regulations and the associated set fines.