Need Assistance?

Legal help

Status of Women Canada is not able to answer any legal questions or offer assistance to individuals in legal matters. If you have not already done so, please contact your lawyer, legal aid, local women's crisis centre or the police for more information about services within your community.

Abusive Relationships

The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence is Canada's national resource centre for information about family violence.

In case of emergency, please consult the first pages of your telephone directory for emergency numbers.

Child Custody and Divorce

Department of Justice Canada provides some resources for parents on the Divorce Act and other issues related to post-separation parenting arrangements.

Parental and Maternity Benefits

The Employment and Social Development Canada is responsible for maternity/parental benefits. For further information, please visit their Web site. If you are a resident of Quebec, see Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.

For various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency.

Immigration Issues

Citizenship and Immigration Canada is Canada's official source of immigration and citizenship information.

International Organizations Looking for Help

The Canadian International Development Agency is the federal government department dealing with international development, foreign aid and development cooperation.

Discrimination and Harassment

The Canadian Human Rights Commission administers both the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act, and ensures that the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination are followed in all areas of federal jurisdiction.

Funding to Start a Small Business

Status of Women Canada does not provide funding to start small businesses. In order to better assist you, please visit Canada Business Network.

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