
Public Participation Rules for the NCC’s Social Media Platforms

The National Capital Commission (NCC) is pleased to welcome you to its Web 2.0 platforms. The following netiquette is the set of rules governing the behaviour we expect of members of the public wishing to join the NCC’s various online communities and initiatives (website, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, etc.).

All platforms will be moderated. The moderator(s) reserve the right to remove, all or in part, content (messages, images, photos, videos, etc.) that does not conform to the participation rules outlined below.

Participation Rules:

In order to maintain harmonious and constructive exchanges, we ask that you become familiar with the following participation rules:

  • Messages must be written in one of Canada’s two official languages, either in English and/or in French.
  • Messages (including photos, graphics and videos) must be respectful of other people’s opinions and pertinent to the subject of the account in which they are posted.
  • Messages (including photos, graphics and videos) that discriminate against a person or a group will be immediately removed without notice.
  • Political or partisan messages (including photos, graphics and videos) posted by individuals or groups will be removed without notice.
  • The NCC is subject to the Privacy Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information of those using the NCC’s Web 2.0 platforms. Users must take care not to reveal sensitive or personal information. Messages that invade the privacy of an individual or a group of individuals will be removed without notice.
  • Messages that are commercial in nature — solicit members of the community, sell products or services — that are published without the NCC’s prior authorization will be immediately removed without notice.
  • Messages (including photos, graphics and videos) that are repetitive and seek to overload an account will be removed without notice.
  • The unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of a work that is subject to copyright will be removed without notice.
  • Users must own the content that they publish and the NCC reserves the right to reuse this content.
  • Links are permitted if they respect the participation rules. However, the NCC is not responsible for the content on other websites.
  • Constructive comments and suggestions will be accepted. However, complaints or comments about the NCC’s programs, events or decisions must be addressed to the Contact Centre — Client Services in order to be followed up appropriately.
  • The NCC reserves the right to change these participation rules at any time and without notice.

Accounts are moderated during the regular work week: Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), between 8:30 am and 5 pm (Eastern Time).

By participating in discussions, participants accept the above-mentioned participation rules.

Thank you and we look forward to chatting with you.