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Find the Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) codes related to your business to navigate across procurement and contract data.

Learn how on Get Started with GSIN Codes page.

Find details about PWGSC-awarded contracts

With Contract History, you can find past details of contracts awarded by PWGSC on behalf of federal departments and agencies since 2009, including the contract value.

Find Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements

Access Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements (SOSA) to find PWGSC pre-qualified suppliers.

Businesses use SOSA to find your competition or possible bid partners and Government buyers find suppliers to help meet your needs.

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Call the InfoLine at 1-800-811-1148. We are here to help you do business with the Government of Canada.

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Find SOSA information quickly

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to find information on active standing offers or supply arrangements, or to find out when they expire? The new Snapshot of SOSA data makes it fast and easy to find just what you are looking for!

Canada participates in public procurement forum

Canada collaborates with United States and the United Kingdom to share knowledge and best practices on public procurement. Read more about the Trilateral Public Procurement Forum.

UNSPSC will replace the GSIN

Coming in 2017, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) will replace the Goods and Services Identification Numbers (GSIN) codes. There is no immediate impact to businesses or government buyers.

Direct Deposit

The Government of Canada is phasing out federal government cheques by April 2016 and paper paystubs by February 2015. Read more about direct deposit enrolment.

Buy surplus government property

View, bid and buy surplus government property from GCSurplus.


Website service and maintenance