Indigenous history

The history of First Nations, Inuit and Métis is essentially the very history of our country as they are the first peoples of Canada and continue to play important roles in its development and its future. Learn about the history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, their contributions to the War of 1812, Reconciliation and more.


First Nations in Canada

Understand the significant developments affecting First Nations communities from the pre-Contact era (before the arrival of Europeans) up to the present day.


Find out about some of the ways the Government of Canada and Indigenous organizations, individuals and communities are working together to advance a nation-to-nation relationship.

First Peoples of Canada virtual exhibition

Experience this virtual exhibition that looks at facets of the history of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples, based largely on information and artifacts presented in the First Peoples Hall of the Canadian Museum of History.

Royal Proclamation of 1763

Learn the importance of the Royal Proclamation of 1763 in laying the foundation for First Nation rights, the treaty-making process and the relationship between First Nations and the Crown.

Treaty-making in Canada

Explore how the treaties the Crown has signed with Indigenous Peoples since the 18th century have contributed to the evolution of Canada as we know it.

Indigenous contributions to the War of 1812

Discover how First Nations warriors and Métis fighters played important roles defending British territories in the War of 1812 against invading American forces.

Indian Residential Schools

Learn about the inter-generational damage caused by Indian Residential Schools and the efforts being made to bring a fair and lasting resolution to this chapter in Canadian history.

Indigenous contributions during the First World War

Find out about the thousands of Indigenous Peoples who voluntarily enlisted in the Canadian military during the First World War.

Indigenous contributions in the Second World War

Learn about the experiences of Indigenous men and women before, during and after the Second World War.

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