Accreditation for private fingerprinting companies

To provide electronic fingerprinting services to the public, private companies must be accredited by the RCMP's Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS).

Accreditation process

The accreditation process includes the following measures:

  • Personnel security screening for any employees of the company who will be involved with fingerprinting
  • Site inspections for data safeguarding purposes
  • A copy of the letter(s) sent to law enforcement agencies of local jurisdiction notifying them of the company's intention to offer fingerprinting services must be provided to CCRTIS.

Electronic fingerprinting devices

For CCRTIS Accreditation, a company must have a means of submitting fingerprints electronically. Please consult the list of certified vendors to determine which vendor fits your needs. Each vendor provides different business models/solutions, such as device sales, leasing, service provider solutions, per transaction fee models, direct connection to RCMP, server flow-through, third party affiliate, and potential training programs.

After choosing a vendor, please contact us to ensure:

  • Your intended business model meets all requirements
  • Your business goals and time lines take all processes and effort into consideration

For more information, please contact CCRTIS at

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