Recruiting and hiring

Looking to hire a helping hand? Find out how to hire full-time employees, summer students, foreign workers, apprentices and get the right talent for your business.

Services and information

Guide to hiring employees

Learn how to develop comprehensive job descriptions, attract and screen job applicants.

Wage data

Compare average wages for different occupations in different locations across Canada.

Post a job in the Job Bank

Post a job in the Job Bank for Employers. You can advertise your job postings for free across Canada.

Hiring and training apprentices

It pays to hire and train an apprentice. Learn about the benefits for employers and find out what support is available to your company.

Hire summer students

Access funding to help you hire summer students through the Canada Summer Jobs program.

Hire foreign workers

How to offer a full-time job to support a skilled worker's immigration to Canada, hire a foreign worker or offer a paid internship to a permanent resident or new Canadian citizen.

Foreign credential recognition

Learn about the verification of education and job experience obtained in other countries.

Report on hirings

A voluntary verification program that allows employers to submit the Social Insurance Number and the first day worked for newly hired or recalled employees to Service Canada each month using a secure online application.

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