Corporate, Advisory and Special Committees

Maps and Publications

Corporate Committees

Executive Committee

The five-person Executive Committee is called upon when necessary to deal with specific business or issues. In such cases, the board of directors can delegate certain powers and functions to this committee. For example, the Executive Committee may be required to approve the membership of advisory and corporate committees, or to approve certain routine transactions.


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the NCC’s internal audit function, and reviews the Office of the Auditor General of Canada’s special examinations and annual financial audits. It also oversees the reporting of financial information, ensuring that the necessary processes and controls are in place for the NCC to achieve its objectives, while guaranteeing the highest standards of integrity and behaviour. Eight people sit on the committee: six board members, plus the NCC chairperson and the CEO (as ex officio members).


Governance Committee

The Governance Committee reviews and, when appropriate, makes recommendations to the board, on matters relating to the following:

  • amendments to the by-laws;
  • the selection criteria for, duties of and benefits for the chairperson, CEO and other board and committee members;
  • the mandate, functioning, competency profile and performance appraisals of the board and its committees;
  • the terms of reference and the selection process for the ombudsman; and
  • governance issues in general.

Five board members, plus the NCC chairperson and the CEO (as ex officio members) sit on the Governance Committee.


Advisory Committees

Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty

This committee advises on the following:

  • long-range plans and policies for the use of public lands and properties in Canada’s Capital Region;
  • design proposals affecting these federal lands;
  • real property matters.

The committee consists of experts in real estate development; environmental, urban and regional planning; urban design; architecture and landscape architecture. The committee has 11 members, plus two board members who act as observers and two ex officio members (the NCC chairperson and the CEO).


Advisory Committee on the Official Residences of Canada

This committee advises on asset management and matters that pertain to the six official residences in Canada’s Capital Region. The committee also provides advice to Public Works and Government Services Canada, the custodian of the Citadel, the governor general’s official residence in Québec City. The committee consists of experts in interior design, architecture, heritage and real estate development. It has seven members, plus one observer and two ex officio members (the NCC chairperson and the CEO).


Special Committees

Canadiana Fund

The Canadiana Fund solicits donations of heritage art, furniture and funds to enhance the staterooms of the official residences. Pieces are chosen that reflect Canada’s heritage, artistic traditions and historical associations, or that complement the architectural style of a particular residence. Many of the pieces highlighted in the virtual tours of the official residences on this website were generously donated through the Canadiana Fund.


Advisory Committee on Universal Accessibility

This committee has a mandate to assist the NCC, through the CEO and management of the NCC, by considering significant projects undertaken by the NCC, including renovation projects or projects which involve a significant universal accessibility component.  It is comprised of persons who have expertise and experience in matters related to universal accessibility.  It has six members:  three from outside the NCC and three NCC employees.
