National security and defence

How we protect and defend Canada, its citizens and infrastructure. Learn about the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Find out how border, transportation and cyber security help keep Canadians safe and secure. Apply for a job in the field of national security and defence.


Services and information

National security

Keeping Canadians safe through counter-terrorism, security screenings and protecting critical infrastructure.

Canadian Armed Forces

Military operations, equipment, history and more. Find a job with the CAF.

Defence equipment purchases and upgrades

Defence purchases, upgrades, and maintenance projects for land, sea, and air equipment. The defence procurement process, strategy and announcements.

Transportation security

How Canada secures its air, marine, rail and road transportation systems.

Securing the border

How border security keeps Canadians safe by screening people and goods. Report suspicious cross-border activity.

Cyber security

Potential risks of your online activities and how to stay safe when you are connected.

Jobs in national security and defence

Apply for a job with the Government of Canada in the field of national security and defence.

Services and benefits for the military

Services and benefits that are offered to members of the CAF and their families.


Operation UNIFIER

Canadian Armed Forces members huddled around work.

Canada supports Ukrainian forces through training assistance.

Military exercises

A military vehicle diving down a dusty road.

Past, current and future military exercises involving the CAF.

Mental health resources for CAF members

Two outstretched hands in uniform reaching towards each other.

Mental Health resources for CAF members and families.

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