Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-86

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Route reference: Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160

Ottawa, 27 February 2014

Classification of small incumbent local exchange carrier basket 5 competitor services

File numbers: 8638-A2-201309196, 8638-C4-201309352, 8638-C41-201309394, 8638-D3-201310862, 8638-G1-201309542, 8638-K1-201310854, 8638-L2-201309526, 8638-M4-201309477, 8638-N51-201309170, 8638-O2-201309550, 8638-O31-201309617, 8638-P1-201309188, 8638-S4-201309443, 8638-S6-201309279, 8638-S7-201309427, 8638-T8-201309534, and 8638-U2-201309204

In this decision, the Commission approves the classification of the small ILECs’ basket 5 competitor services as set out in the Appendix to this decision.


1. In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160, 28 March 2013 (Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160), the Commission made determinations specific to the small incumbent local exchange carriers’ (ILECs) competitor services. For example, the Commission determined that it would allow small ILECs to make changes to their competitor service rates only if they provide supporting evidence or rationale, such as cost studies. It also determined, among other things, that rate ranges and rate de-averaging would not be available to the small ILECs for their competitor services.

2. In light of these determinations, the Commission established a fifth basket (basket 5) for small ILECs’ competitor services and concluded that services offered by small ILECs to competitors on a wholesale basis were to be included in this basket. The other four baskets are

3. To ensure the proper classification of basket 5 services, the Commission directed the small ILECs to file for Commission approval, within 90 days of the date of that decision, a list of all their services to be assigned to each of baskets 4 and 5.

4. Between 13 and 28 June 2013, the Commission received proposed lists of basket 4 and 5 services from the following small ILECs: Amtelecom Limited Partnership, operating as EastLink; CoopTel; La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. (Courcelles); Dryden Municipal Telephone System (DMTS); Téléphone Guèvremont inc.; KMTS; La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc.; Téléphone Milot inc. (Milot); NorthernTel, Limited Partnership (NorthernTel); the Independent Telecommunications Providers Association, on behalf of Brooke Telecom Co-operative Limited, Bruce Telecom, CityWest Telephone and Cable Corp., Cochrane Telecom Services, Execulink Telecom Inc., Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited, Hay Communications Co-operative Limited, Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited, Lansdowne Rural Telephone Company Limited, Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited, Nexicom Telecommunications Inc., Nexicom Telephones Inc., North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Limited, North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited, Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc., Roxborough Telephone Company Limited, Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited, Wightman Telecom Limited, and WTC Communications; Ontera; People’s Tel Limited Partnership, operating as EastLink; Sogetel inc. (Sogetel); Le Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc. (St-Éphrem); La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor (St-Victor); TBayTel; and La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton inc. (Upton).

5. The Commission received an intervention from TELUS Communications Company (TCC), dated 1 August 2013, in which TCC submitted that several small ILECs had misclassified or omitted certain competitor services. The Commission notes that during the proceeding, it received revised proposed lists of basket 4 and 5 services from Courcelles, DMTS, KMTS, Milot, NorthernTel, Sogetel, St-Éphrem, St-Victor, and Upton.

6. The public records of these proceedings, which closed on 13 December 2013 for DMTS, KMTS, and NorthernTel, and on 10 October 2013 for all the other small ILECs mentioned in paragraph 4, are available on the Commission’s website at under “Public Proceedings” or by using the file numbers provided above.

Commission’s analysis and determinations

7. In the Appendix to this decision, the Commission lists the services provided by each of the small ILECs to be assigned to basket 5 because they are competitor services. These lists include services that the small ILECs submitted during these proceedings, as well as other services provided by the small ILECs that should have been proposed for inclusion in basket 5.

8. To identify the basket 5 competitor services, the Commission reviewed the small ILECs’ proposed lists of services for baskets 4 and 5 and made adjustments where required – that is, in cases where a competitor service was omitted or incorrectly assigned. For example, Ontera incorrectly listed its Support Structure Facilities service in basket 4, and TBayTel did not include its Co-Location Arrangements service in either of its basket 4 or basket 5 lists. The Commission has listed both of these services in basket 5. The Commission notes that the small ILECs’ applications regarding competitor services must meet the rules established in Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160. Therefore, none of these adjustments will have any effect on the rates or pricing policy for these services.

9. The Commission considers that the following types of services are competitor services: co-location services; toll network interconnection and ancillary services; local network interconnection and ancillary services; other interconnection arrangements, such as basic listing interchange file service, billed number screening database service, and zero-dialed emergency call routing service; wireless access services; and other services, such as support structure service, directory file service, operator services, and compensation per call service. The Commission will treat any existing or future competitor service not listed in the Appendix as a basket 5 service.

10. The Commission approves the classification of the small ILECs’ basket 5 competitor services as set out in the Appendix to this decision. The Commission does not consider it necessary to list the basket 4 services in this decision since those services continue to be those that do not qualify for inclusion in any of the other service baskets.

Secretary General


Basket 5 competitor services by company

Company name Tariff number Item or section Service description
Amtelecom Limited Partnership 25310 145 Basic Listing Interchange File
165 Compensation Per Call
200 Support Structure Service
230 Cellular Access Service
900.2 Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI)
900.10 (ADSL) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Access Service
900.11 Trunk-Side Interconnection
900.12 CCS7 Transiting Charge
1200 Interconnection with IXCs
1250 Toll Interconnection Services
1400 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Brooke Telecom Co-operative Limited OISTFootnote 1 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Bruce Telecom 25340 140.10 Directory File Service
140.11 Basic Listing Interchange File
230 Wireless Access Service
800.2 Support Structure Service
890 Co-location Arrangements
25342 100 Local Network Interconnection
200 Local Number Portability (LNP) and Wireless Number Portability (WNP)
235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
CityWest Telephone and Cable Corp. 25700 2 Billing and Collection Service – Type 2
7.3 Compensation Per Call
9.6 Interexchange Carrier Access Service
10.12 Physical Co-location of IXC Equipment
10.13 Wireless System Operators (WSO) – Tower Service
11.1 Radio Paging System Access
11.4 Cellular Telephone Service
11.5 Wireless Access Service
11.6 Support Structure Service
11.7 Voice Messaging Access
Cochrane Telecom Services 25350 230 Cellular Access Service
630 Carrier Access Tariff
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
CoopTel 25160 2.8.1 Compensation Per Call
4.6.1 Equal Access Charge
4.6.2 Direct Connection Rate
4.6.3 Trunking Rates
4.7 Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection
5.3 Support Structure Service
8 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
9 Directory File Service
10 Billing and Collection Service by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
11 Access Service for Interconnection with Toll Service Providers
12 Billing and Collection Tariff
La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. 25010 4.1 Services for Incumbent Long Distance Carriers
4.2 Billing and Collection
4.3 Carrier Access Tariffs
4.4 Billing and Collection by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
4.5 Access Service for Interconnection with Toll Service Providers
5.2 Use of the Company’s Facilities
7 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
8 Directory File Service
Dryden Municipal Telephone System 25370 85.4 Basic Listing Interchange File Service Directory # for Pagers Paging Trunk
230 Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access
800.3 Support Structure Service
900 Cellular Access Service
921 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service
925 Interconnection Arrangements for DSL Service Providers
930 Co-Location Arrangements
CAPTSFootnote 2 25620 1000 Interexchange Carrier Access Service
2000 Subscription Request Processing Service
5000 Signalling Transfer Point (STP) Access Service
5001 CCS7 Transit Service
6000 Billing and Collection Service – Type 1
6001 Billing and Collection Service – Type 2
6002 Compensation Per Call
Execulink Telecom Inc. 25420 700 System/Network Interconnection
900.8 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service
235 Toll Interconnection Services
430 Compensation Per Call
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited OIST
235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Téléphone Guèvremont inc. 25030 2.8 Use of the Company’s Facilities
2.29 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
2.30 Directory File Service
5 Local Network Interconnection
7.1 Service to Toll Providers
7.2 Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access
7.3 Standby Circuits
7.4 Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Group Feature D Service
7.5 Bulk Transfer of Customer Base Between IXCs Having Feature Group D Service
7.6 Billing and Collection Tariff
7.7 Billing and Collection by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
7.15 Services for Incumbent Long Distance Carriers
7.16 Toll-Free Compensation Per Call
7.20 Carrier Access Tariffs
8 Co-Location Rates
8.6 Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling
Hay Communications Cooperative Limited 25400 280.100 Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling
OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Independent Telecommunications Providers Association – Ontario Independent Services Tariff OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
KMTS 25440 85.4 Sale of Directory Files
890.3.01 c) Digital Subscriber Line Service, ISP Access Charges
893 Cellular and Paging Tariff
CAPTS 25620 1000 Interexchange Carrier Access Service
2000 Subscription Request Processing Service
5000 Signalling Transfer Point (STP) Access Service
5001 CCS7 Transit Service
6000 Billing and Collection Service – Type 1
6001 Billing and Collection Service – Type 2
6002 Compensation Per Call
La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc. 25050 5.2 Use of the Company’s Facilities
5.4 Direct Connection and Trunking Rates
8.1 Directory File Service
8.2 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
9.1 Billing and Collection Service
9.2 Equal Access
Lansdowne Rural Telephone Company Limited OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Téléphone Milot inc. 25060 5.14 Support Structure Service
25061 2.1 Verification Tests
2.2 Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access
2.3 Billing and Collection Service Tariff
2.4 Billing and Collection by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
2.5.1 Compensation Per Call
2.6.1 Equal Access Charge
2.6.2 Direct Connection Rate
2.7 Designated Long Distance Provider that Ceases Operating
2.8 Bulk Transfer of a Customer Base Between IXCs Having Feature Group D Service
2.9 Local Network Interconnection
3.1 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
3.2 Directory File Service
3.3 Services for Incumbent Long Distance Carriers
3.4 Late Directory Listing Charge for BLIF and CLIF Records
3.5 Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1 Service
3.6 9-1-1 Public Emergency Reporting Service
4.1 Local Service Request Rejection Charge
Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited 25470 700 Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling
OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Nexicom Telephones Inc. OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Limited OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
NorthernTel, Limited Partnership 25510 N200 Access Services Tariff
N230 Cellular Access Service
N390 Wireless Service Provider Enhanced
9-1-1 Service
N820 Support Structure Offering
North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited 25500 800.2.02 Use of Support Structures
OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Ontera 25300 270 Carrier Access Tariff
25520 2600 Cellular Access Service
3320 Inter-Exchange Distance Charges, Optical Fibre
4500 Support Structure Facilities
People’s Tel Limited Partnership 25540 145 Basic Listing Interchange File
165 Compensation Per Call
190 Digital Subscriber Line
230.1.1 Wireless Access Services – Trunk-side Access Channel
230.1.2 Wireless Access Services – Trunk-side Interconnection Trunk Charges
230.1.3 Wireless Access Services – Trunk-side Interconnection Trunk
230.2.01 Digital Network Services – Rates and Charges
230.2.02 Digital Network Services – Access – DS1
230.2.03 Digital Network Services – Link
230.3 Digital Network Services – CCS7 Signalling Interconnection
800.2 Other Services and Facilities – Support Structures
890 Co-Location Arrangements
4000 Interconnection with Local Exchange Carriers
5000 Interconnection with IXCs
5100 Toll Interconnection Services
6000 Billing and Collection Services
Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc. 25320 810 Support Structure Service
OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Roxborough Telephone Company Limited OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
Sogetel inc. 25130 5.14.6 Support Structure Licence Agreement
25132 2.1 Verification Tests
2.2 Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access
2.3 Billing and Collection Service Tariff
2.4 Billing and Collection by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
2.5 Access Facility
2.6.1 Equal Access Charge
2.6.2 Direct Connection Rate
2.6.3 Trunking Rates
2.7 Designated Long Distance Provider that Ceases Operating
2.8 Bulk Transfer of a Customer Base Between IXCs Having Feature Group D Service
2.9 Local Network Interconnection
3.1 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
3.2 Directory File Service
3.3 Services for Incumbent Long Distance Carriers
3.4 Late Directory Listing Charge for BLIF and CLIF Records
3.5 Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1 Service
3.6 9-1-1 Public Emergency Reporting Service
4.1 Local Service Request Rejection Charge
Le Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc. 25090 2.13 Use of the Company’s Facilities
2.14 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
2.16 Directory File Service
4.1 Service to Toll Providers
4.2 Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access
4.3 Standby Circuits
4.4 Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Feature Group D Service
4.5 Bulk Transfer of Customer Base Between IXCs Having Feature Group D Service
4.6 Billing and Collection Tariff
4.7 Billing and Collection by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
4.8 Services for Incumbent Long Distance Carriers
5.2 Direct Connection and Trunking Rates
La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor 25110 2.16 Use of the Company’s Facilities
4.19 Service to Toll Providers
4.2 Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access
4.3 Standby Circuits
4.4 Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Feature Group D Service
4.5 Bulk Transfer of Customer Base Between IXCs Having Feature Group D Service
4.6 Billing and Collection Tariff
4.7 Billing and Collection by the Rebiller to the Eligible Service Provider
4.8 Services for Incumbent Long Distance Carriers
8 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
9 Directory File Service
TBayTel 25570 TB85 Basic Listing Interchange File (BLIF)
25571 1000 Interexchange Carrier Access Service
2000 Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) Processing Service
5000 Signalling Transfer Point (STP) Access Service
6000 Billing and Collection Service – Type 1
6001 Billing and Collection Service – Type 2
6002 Compensation Per Call
7000 Customer Information Reports
8000 Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling
8100 Co-Location for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers (DSLSP)
8150 Call Routing – Location Routing Number (LRN) Absent
8200 Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers (DSLSP)
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited 25580 190 Local Interconnection and Component Unbundling
OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton inc. 25150 2.8 Use of the Company’s Facilities
2.12 Directory File Service
2.13 Basic Listing Interchange File Service
8.1 Equal Access Charge
8.2 Direct Connection Rate
8.3 Trunking Rates
Wightman Telecom Limited 25600 100 Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling
300 Provision of 9-1-1 Service to Competitors
OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2
WTC Communications OIST 25611 235 Toll Interconnection Services
410 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access to Line Service
430 Compensation Per Call
700 Interconnection with Interexchange Carriers
910 Directory File Service
920 Basic Listing Interchange File
1000 Billing and Collection Services Type 2


Footnote 1

OIST stands for Ontario Independent Services Tariff.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

CAPTS stands for Canadian Alliance of Publicly-owned Telecommunications Systems.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

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