TV and Radio



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About TV and Radio in Canada

Canada needs a strong and diverse broadcasting system. We work to ensure that Canadians have access to high-quality Canadian programming in two ways:

  • Each part of the broadcasting system must contribute to creating and presenting Canadian programming;
  • Broadcasting distributors must make carrying Canadian TV programming services a priority.

CRTC rules ensure that most of the programming services offered by cable and satellite companies are Canadian.

Key television policies

What's coming up?

Hearing on urban aboriginal radio applications

The CRTC issued a notice of consultation for its next public hearing starting at 9 a.m. on March 27, 2017. The Commission will consider applications for a radio license or licenses to serve the urban Aboriginal communities in one or more of the Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver markets.  The hearing will take place at the Conference Centre, 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, Outaouais.

Television Service Provider Code

The CRTC has published the Television Service Provider Code under which cable and satellite companies are required to provide clear information about promotional offers and an advance notice when prices to their services are changed. The Television Service Provider Code will become mandatory on September 1, 2017 and will be administered by the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services.