Product safety

Find recalls and alerts, health risks and Canadian standards and regulations for consumer, pest control and chemical products. Also learn how to report a problem.

Services and information

Consumer products

Information on incident reporting, recalls and alerts, new cosmetic notifications, product safety education and consumer product requirements.

Pest control products

Information on pesticide use, recalls and alerts, problem reporting and standards. Also find technical information on assessing pesticide health risks.

Chemical safety

Information on chemicals, including health effects, safe handling, chemical substance fact sheets and Canada's Chemicals Management Plan.


What we are doing


Laundry Detergent Packet Safety

Laundry detergent packets are small and often brightly coloured and may be mistaken by children for food or toys.

Human Biomonitoring of Environmental Chemicals

Find an overview of the third report about the Canadian public's exposure to chemicals.

Pesticide Labels App

You can now access Pesticide Labels on your mobile device with our new mobile application.

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