Canadian Economic Sanctions

Canadian Economic Sanctions

Sanctions can impact your business by:

  • prohibiting trade and other economic activity with a foreign market,
  • restricting financial transactions such as foreign investments or acquisitions, or
  • leading to the seizure of property situated in Canada.

These restrictions may apply to dealings with entire countries, non-state actors, such as terrorist organizations, or designated persons from a target country.

Types of Sanctions

Sanctions imposed on specific countries, organizations and individuals vary. In general, they may include the following measures:

Arms Embargo

Asset Freeze

Export/Import Restrictions

Financial Prohibitions

Technical Assistance Prohibition

Please see Types of Sanctions for more information.

Current Canadian Sanctions

Canada has sanctions in place against a number of countries, as well as against specific individuals and entities identified as being associated with terrorist activities. Please see Current Sanctions Imposed by Canada for more information.

Canadian Legislation

Canadian sanctions laws implement United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions regimes under the United Nations Act, as well as Canadian autonomous sanctions regimes under the Special Economic Measures Act. Contravening a Canadian sanctions law may be a serious criminal offence. Please see Canadian Sanctions Legislation for more information.

Permits and Certificates

The Minister of Foreign Affairs may, on an exceptional basis, be able to issue a permit or certificate authorising an activity that would otherwise contravene Canadian sanctions law. Please see Permits and Certificates for more information.

Further Information

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