Where we work in international development

Countries of focus

The Government of Canada announced in 2014 that it has increased the number of countries of focus from 20 to 25, in order to deliver the greatest results for those in need. These countries were chosen based on their real needs, their capacity to benefit from development assistance, and their alignment with Canadian foreign policy priorities. The goal is to make Canada's international assistance more focused, more effective and more accountable.

Partner countries

Canada also maintains significant bilateral aid programs with numerous partner countries. Programming in these countries focuses on increasing food security, stimulating sustainable economic growth, securing the future of children and youth, and supporting governance.

Humanitarian assistance

In times of disaster, crises or severe conflict, Canada provides humanitarian assistance to save lives and alleviate suffering. Canada's response is the result of close cooperation among Global Affairs Canada humanitarian officers, Canadian representatives in the field, representatives of other government departments, and international and Canadian humanitarian partners.


Partner countries

Humanitarian assistance

For more information on Canada’s engagement in the Americas, see Canada and the Americas.

Asia Pacific

For more information on Canada’s engagement in Asia Pacific, see Canada and Asia-Pacific.

Eastern Europe

Countries of focus

For more information on Canada’s engagement in Eastern Europe, see Canada and Europe.

Middle East and North Africa

Countries of focus

Partner countries

Humanitarian assistance

For more information on Canada’s engagement in the Middle East and North Africa, see Canada and the Middle East & North Africa.

Sub-Saharan Africa

For more information on Canada’s engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa, see Canada and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Canada has funded international development projects in other countries. Search the International Development Project Browser for more information.