Access to Information and Privacy

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act came into effect in July 1983. They both concern information held by federal government institutions. The Access to Information Act establishes the rights of all individuals and corporate entities present in Canada to have access to information contained in federal government records. The Privacy Act gives all individuals in Canada the right of access to information about themselves, and governs the collection, retention, use, protection and disclosure of personal information.

The Access to Information and Privacy Secretariat at Natural Resources Canada implements and administers the Access to Information and Privacy Acts and ensures that legislative and central agency policies and procedures are met on behalf of the Departmental ATIP Coordinator and senior management of the Department. It is responsible for:

  • Administration of the Access to Information and Privacy Acts within the department
  • Maintaining a record of all requests for information and or the responses provided
  • Acting as the authoritative point of contact for all questions relating to the Access to Information and Privacy Acts
  • Advising program managers on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information