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First Nations & Inuit Health

Guidance on Trucked Drinking Water Delivery in First Nations Communities South of 60°

This guidance document was developed to provide information, from a public health perspective, on how drinking water haulers can safely collect, transport and distribute drinking water. It offers minimum recommended criteria and best practices that promote safe and effective water deliveries. It applies to all organizations and individuals involved in the operation, maintenance and monitoring of trucked drinking water delivery systems in First Nations communities, including:

  • Chiefs and Councils, responsible for supplying drinking water to their communities;
  • Community-based Drinking Water Quality Monitors (CBWMs) and Environmental Health Officers (EHOs), responsible for bacteriological sampling of drinking water in cisterns and for notifying Chiefs and Councils in the event of an adverse sampling result;
  • Drinking water haulers, responsible for safely collecting, transporting and distributing drinking water; to First Nations communities and individual homes; and
  • Home occupants (water users), responsible for protecting their drinking water cisterns from damage.