T2201 Disability Tax Credit Certificate

Notice to the reader

Nurse practitioners are able to certify Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, as per the Federal Budget 2017. This proposed change will apply to the forms made on or after March 22, 2017.

You can view this form in:

PDF t2201-16e.pdf (103 KB)
PDF fillable/saveable t2201-fill-16e.pdf (283 KB)

For people with visual impairments, the following alternate formats are also available:

E-text t2201-16e.txt (22 KB)
Braille t2201-16e.brf (22 KB)
Large print t2201-lp-16e.pdf (231 KB)

Last update: 2017-01-03
Available in print: 2017-01-03

For more information, see our help file. You can also order printed copies and multiple formats of this form, such as large print, Braille, audio, and E-text (accessible electronic text).

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