Sponsorship Agreement Holders – Sponsoring refugees

Information for refugees

Learn more about Canada and the next steps in the application process.

Many organizations have signed sponsorship agreements with the Government of Canada to help support refugees from abroad when they resettle in Canada. These organizations are called Sponsorship Agreement Holders. They can sponsor refugees themselves or work with others in the community to sponsor refugees.

Most Sponsorship Agreement Holders are religious, ethnic, community, or service organizations.

Determine your eligibility

To be eligible to become a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH), your organization must:

  • be incorporated (a legally created organization), and
  • sign a sponsorship agreement with the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.

Apply to become a Sponsorship Agreement Holder

If your organization is not already a SAH, you can apply to become one.

Apply to sponsor a refugee after you are approved to be a Sponsorship Agreement Holder

Once we have approved you to become a SAH, you can apply to sponsor a refugee. When you sponsor a refugee, your organization must agree to give emotional and financial support to the refugee for the full sponsorship period. Usually this period is one year.

You can also work with other groups in the community to sponsor refugees under your agreement. In doing so, you remain responsible for the emotional and financial support provided to the refugee(s). These groups are known as “Constituent Groups.”

Check processing times

Find out how long it will take us to process your application to sponsor a refugee.

After you apply: get next steps

Find out what you should do after you apply to be a SAH.

Are you in Quebec?

Quebec has its own process to sponsor refugees. For sponsors in Quebec, visit refugee sponsorship in Quebec.

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