Cyber Security Awareness

In the Northwest Territories, the Internet plays a huge part in our day-to-day lives. We all need to make online safety a priority.
Visit the Canadian campaign website here:

There are many simple steps that you can take to protect yourself and your family online.

1. Protect your identity
Use different usernames and passwords for different accounts. Make passwords harder to guess by combining letters and numbers, and change them regularly.

2. Use anti-virus software
Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software to prevent viruses from infecting your computer. This software should be updated regularly.

3. Install the latest operating system updates
Make sure that your applications and operating system are up to date. This includes updating operating systems on tablets and mobile devices.

4. Back up your files
Protect important files from viruses and physical damage such as flood and fire by regularly backing up your files on an external drive or removable media. Store it in a safe place.

5. Protect your wireless network
Wireless (Wi-Fi) networks are vulnerable to intruders if they are not protected once installed. Start by changing your default Wi-Fi network name and password.

6. Delete emails from unknown senders
Never open emails or attachments from people you don’t know, and never follow any links to Web sites included in these emails. They might infect your computer with a virus or spyware. Delete such emails immediately.

7. Surf the Web safely
Be careful when sharing personal information such as your name, address, telephone number and financial information online. Check that Web sites are secure (such as when making online purchases) and that the privacy settings are turned on (such as when accessing or using social networking sites). Secure websites most often have a URL that starts with https:// and have grey lock symbols.

8. Get help
If you need help maintaining or installing software on your computer, call a computer expert or a local supplier. Call local police if you discover suspicious content online (such as child exploitation) or if you suspect computer crime, identity theft or a scam.