Species Management Plans

YG photo

Species management plans address conservation and/or community concerns for a specific species. The need to develop and implement these plans may arise from legislation and they usually are not required by First Nation final agreements. They are typically used to assist in the development or revision of management approaches and regulations concerning species or population management.

Completed species management plans

           Provides a broad framework to guide the management of the herd

           in a manner consistent with recovery of a species at risk,

           while addressing local concerns and interests.

           This plan calls for a collaborative approach to promote

           the sustainable use of wildlife resources to support a stable

           or increasing population of Chisana caribou in western Yukon.

           This publicly developed plan sets goals for free-ranging elk

           in southwest Yukon.

           Guides wolf conservation and management throughout

           Yukon,  ensuring that the roles of wolves and their prey species

           are respected.

           This plan provides a broad framework to guide the management

           of amphibians in Yukon.

In-progress species management plans


Fish and Wildlife Planning

Environment Yukon

Government of Yukon

Box 2703 (V-5A)
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: 867-667-3645
Toll free (in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8291
Fax: 867-393-6263

Email: fish.wildlife@gov.yk.ca