Developing Animal Health Act regulations

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Regulations now needed

A modernized Animal Health Act came into effect on January 1, 2014. It enables a more comprehensive government response to animal diseases in both livestock and wildlife as well as helps minimize the negative economic impacts of animal disease outbreaks.

Regulations are now needed to clarify details in three areas:

Between April and July 2015, feedback regarding regulations was collected from interested stakeholders.

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Concepts for Regulations to Support the Animal Health Act: What We Heard pdf icon586 KB

A summary of feedback from the stakeholder engagement.


The Government of Yukon recognizes that people who work with, and depend on, animals want a role in developing Animal Health Act regulations that are fair, transparent and consistent. Ideally, by encouraging early reporting of potential hazards, these regulations will reduce potential threats to Yukon’s animals and people.

Targeted engagement process

The government conducted a targeted engagement, starting April 21, 2015, to explore and develop content for the regulations. The process will be guided by a discussion document that sets out the issues associated with reportable hazards, compensation and appeals along with proposed options in some cases.

Key stakeholders will participate through a focus group. An invitation has been extended to each of the following organizations to provide a representative to the focus group:

Individuals interested in this process are encouraged to provide feedback through your organization. In the alternative, you can provide a written submission directly to the government using the contact information below.

The key findings of the focus group discussions will be made available to the public through a ‘What We Heard’ type document. The key findings will be taken into consideration by the Yukon government when the regulations are drafted.

About the Animal Health Act

The Animal Health Act is shared legislation between the Departments of Energy, Mines and Resources (Agriculture Branch) and Environment (Animal Health Unit). Staff from both departments work together to monitor and protect domestic and wild animal health.

Additional resources

Contact the Animal Health Unit

Phone: 867-667-5600
Toll free (in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5600
Fax: 867-393-6263

Email: animalhealth@gov.yk.ca

Address: Environment Yukon

               Government of Yukon

               Box 2703 (V-1)
               Whitehorse, Yukon
               Canada Y1A 2C6