Recreational Fishing Surveys

Every five years a national survey is carried out to assess angling activity, and to report on the economic and social importance of recreational fisheries.

The survey contains a series of questions on angling practices, type and number of fish harvested, economic value of fishing, perceptions and observations about the quality of fishing in Yukon, and preference for different approaches to fisheries management.

CBC interview - Yukon Government wants to track angler habits

2010 survey

The 2010 survey was sent to 1,000 Yukon anglers and 900 anglers who came to Yukon to fish. The Yukon survey is part of a Canada-wide effort coordinated by the federal government through Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

The results of the 2010 survey were published in late 2011. Information is on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada website, provincial and territorial websites, and in published reports.

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Survey trends

Survey results provide interesting trends in Yukon’s recreational fishing.

Average age of anglers

The average age of active anglers in Yukon is increasing. At the current rate, the average age of an angler in 2040 will be 65. This trend is concerning and is most likely explained by a lack of uptake by young anglers.

Chart - average age gender of anglers

Catch and release

Also of note is that the proportion of lake trout caught and released by both resident (left) and non-resident (right) anglers in Yukon has been steadily increasing.

Chart - how many lake trout released

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Survey results

Interested in more? Summary reports for the Yukon portion of the Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada are available below.

Summary reports for the entire Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada are available on the Fisheries & Oceans Canada website.

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Contact Fish and Wildlife, Fisheries

Phone: 867-667-5721
Toll free (in Yukon, NWT & Nunavut):
1-800-661-0408 ext. 5721
Fax: 867-393-6263

Email: fisheries@gov.yk.ca
Address: Box 2703 (V-5A) Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6